Dear Jillian Michaels--

Your strong and persistent coaching style has led me through your treacherous DVD workouts more than a few times. I am taking this opportunity to thank you for saving my life...

First, you saved me from "phoning it in at the gym" and taught me to use my time wisely--even if it's not fun. Second, Master Your Metabolism has completely changed how I look at food. While I was reading your book, I came across this phrase, "Don't treat your body like a refrigerator. The leftovers shouldn't go in it." I'm not totally sure if that was your book or somewhere else, but I definitely came across that quote during the time I was reading it, and it helps me say "no" to those last few bites when I am full.

All of that is great, but most importantly, you saved my life! Every time I go to a public restroom, I look at the toilet with triumph knowing that I now can easily squat without touching the seat. Because of you, I am saving myself from exposure to these (sometimes) filthy necessities. Whenever I come across an unusually disgusting toilet or an overly-fragrant port-o-potty that just reeks of bacteria, I tell everyone around me that Jillian Michaels completely changed my outlook on life. I no longer have to "hold it" until I feel my bathroom surroundings are sufficient. I can freely conquer any restroom--no matter where it lands on the cleanliness scale of 1 to 10.

Jillian Michaels, thank you for changing my life...
